Air Cooled Scroll Chiller
Chilling PlantThe Air-cooled Scroll Chillers are known for high energy efficiency.These are specially designed to work well within the extreme tropical weather conditions.The chillers are tested in compliance with the international standards of the industry.
These are user friendly and easy to install. The chillers come with multiple compressor configurations. Every compressor is backed by an individual refrigeration circuit. This separate refrigeration circuit makes its maintenance easy.
.The equipment contains fluid pump and storage tank on the skid.Air Cooled Scroll Chiller is Manufactured using illustrious Scroll compressor make available from Danfoss and Emerson.
Design for high ambient condition up to 50°C:
Air-cooled Scroll Chillers :
3 TR to 25 TR (Single Circuit)
Temperature Scope of Air Cooled Scroll Chiller :
(+) 20 °C to (-) 10 °C
Chiller TR Capacity Range for Air Scroll Chiller :
3 TR to 100 TR (Multi Circuit)